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Queensland Small Business Week

Next week is Queensland Small Business Week, so we thought this was the perfect time for Small Business Owners who are doing it tough in todays market place, to arm themselves with some tactics that can put their business back on the pathway to success.

We are all playing in a tougher market place right now and as a Small Business Owner, you need to allocate time to look at your businesses future opportunities. It is the diversity of your businesses offerings that will help to navigate through these tough times.

Take the time to identify what your business is good at and what it is not good at. Also have a look at your target industries too!

If your business has Clients from only one industry sector and that particular industry sector becomes affected by a negative influence, as we have seen in the Mining Sector, then your business will be forced to re-invent itself during turmoil. That is obviously not ideal and it is usually preventable too!

Sometimes we can be working so hard in our businesses that we actually lose a bit of our 'Business Pizzazz' as well as the foresight to identify any industry issues that could have a devastating affect on our businesses.

You need to step out of your business every few weeks and have a look at what it is that you are really offering to your Clients? What else do your Clients need? How can your business position itself to meet those needs? Other items to look at is how is your social media presence going? Where is your marketing campaign aiming to take your business over the next 3-6 months? Is your website up to date? Are your products or services still appropriate for today's market place?

If you are overwhelmed with answers to these questions or you are struggling to see the clear pathway forward, then it is time to bring in people who can help you to find the answers you need.

There are a number of governmental programs that can assist you and Harvard Wealth also offer Small Business Advice to owners as well.

So, if in 2015 you thought that '2016 would be YOUR year' ... and it hasn't quite gone to plan, then give us a call on (07) 4922 4548 and book a Small Business Assessment with our Senior Financial Advisor today.

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